Sunday, 30 December 2012

The End


Back to Australia

Well, after nearly a year I'm back home.

Camping gear is unpacked and the bike waits, upsidedown, for an overdue service. It's been a week, and it will probably wait a while longer.

I did plan on bringing the blog up-to-date with my culminating jaunt around Europe/Spain, going so far as half-finishing a few little posts, but for now it's summer and I've got people to catch up with. I'm also a bit sick of writing about myself. It's time to reintegrate. Time to use pantries and cupboards.

I've got some ideas for other bits and pieces that I may or may not scribble in the future, but either way it's adios for now. To anyone who read and offered feedback or kind words, thanks. If you're reading this as a tourer/traveller seeking more information and you think I might be able to help, don't hesitate to email. If you've arrived here and you're not quite sure how, just take a moment to appreciate the internet.

Have a good 2013,

- Daniel

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